This is what we came home to!!!

Opening up presents

Its like a dance pad! Pretty cool!

Gary Sam and Nita Gaye

Gary, Dad, Mom, Nana, Alan, and Gaye

The Clan

Mom and Ganny

Cash, Nana, and Alan
Cash for some reason thought it was pretty funny to jump in at the last minute! Then he would clap and say "yay".

Karen and Jerrod
The Crutchers

Me and Ashley

Mom's pretty table and tree

Playing around

Alan and Ganny

Chatting away

Papa and Cash

Funny story!
The girls had gotten some sour candy spray. Watching them try to get Cash to open his mouth was hilarious! He finally did and had the most aweful look on his face, but he went back for more! hehe

Myncie and Cash

Jamie pushing Cash in his new dump truck from Santa

Sorry yall!!! He just wont smile in ANY pictures!!!

Me and Ganny

Cash and Gary Sam

Ryan carving his first turkey
I dont have as many pics as i hoped. My camera died and we didnt have any batteries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully everyone who had a camera will send me some more pics!
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