Today i have two little boys at the house. Keeping Briar today. I was in the bathroom, on the phone with mom. The boys were in the bathroom with me. They start playing with Cash's potty seat (which he wont use). He leaves the bathroom and comes back in with it over his head and one arm through it!!!!! He has a look of terror on his face. I quickly pull his arm out with ease. His head, on the other hand, is a different story!!! I couldnt pull the potty seat over his head!!!!!! He starts screaming bloody murder! You know the scream! I hang up the phone with mom, call Ryan and he, of coarse is out of town! He calls our friend Jim. The whole time im trying to free my son. Trying ever which way to get the darn thing off! His ears would get in the way, the back of his head seemed too big. So calmly, I held him, and said we would wait for Jim to get there and he would get it off. Then with no trouble at all, Cash slips it off his head!!!! So I call Ryan back, he starts laughing and says he will call Jim back and tell him he was free. Man i wish i had a picture to show you! I think its time for a nap!

My potty seat says "do not allow kids to place on head"....I guess this is why! How do you stop a kid from doing what they want to do? Seriously?
That is so funny!!! ;) BTW - thanks for Bringing me that sweater.
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